In making available the textbook list on this website, the College Store cannot and does not guarantee the books we have listed will actually be the books used for any given course and section; individual instructors can and do make final decisions about course book usage, therefore changes and errors may occur. If your course is not listed, the bookstore has not yet received a request from the instructor. Textbook prices are subject to change without notice.
The College Store is responsible for providing textbooks as required or recommended for college classes, both on campus and for outreach facilities. Store management acquires as many used texts as possible for student purchase.
The real value of a textbook is obtained in using it for a class. If it can be resold when no longer needed, that is a bonus.
- The time limit for refunds for the College Store is the same guidelines as the college follows for add/drop dates on tuition refunds.
- 100% is 5 days (1st week) after classes begin.
- 75% is 10 days (2nd week)
- 50% is 15 days (3rd week)
- Refunds will be granted provided the following conditions are met:
- You must present the cash register receipt.
- Books must be in the same condition as purchased
- Books purchased with financial aid will be credited back to the student account.
- Defective books will be replaced. The sales receipt is required.
- Open or used computer software and access codes are non-returnable.
- No refunds given on electronics.
Textbooks purchased at the College Store may be returned for refunds within the set guidelines.
Mission Statement
The Northark College Store strives to provide students, faculty and staff with timely and convenient access to adopted course materials, trade books, academic supplies, and official Northark merchandise and gifts at affordable prices in a professional and customer-friendly manner while also generating critical income to support extracurricular student activities.